Hey, life is Wonderful. (And Weird.)

…Annnnnnd we’re offf!


Cuties wearing my glasses.


Cuties in carseats.


Cuties by windows. Are you sensing the theme here?


Now meet Bill. He plays a playlist of memorized songs (including On Wisconsin!) on the piano before the showing of the classic reel to reel films in the mansion-turned-art-museum. Whatta guy! Also what an experience! So many interesting people met, laughs had and fun facts learned. Milwaukee!


20 minute (literally!) techno dance marathon with 10 middle school girls who let their guards down and boogied like rockstars.


The smell of a room of 30 unbathed and sweaty middle schoolers who have been playing outside in the mud and sunshine. (but their happiness was worth it.)

How sad Christmas trees on the side of the road make me. Like knife to the heart. every time! It just represents the end of a season of glowy greenery and Christmas-ness in a way that feels so final.


The sound of freezing rain= sound of eating pop rocks.

Skype interviews. Can you tell I’m wearing sweatpants right now? Ha. Oops.

Photo 416

How sometimes I wish I could be as freely expressive (without using words) as babies/toddlers are. Life is sucky sometimes and they are just so authentic about it all. Exhibit A: Wild tantrum of sadness/anger. I hear ya bud. I hear ya. We’re in this together.


That Oreo and Reese’s 1/2 and 1/2 cheesecake, coffee and the Bachelor can feel like perfection at the end of a Monday.


(Also weird/wonderful that I don’t have healthy eating as a New Year’s Resolution!)

That’s all for now friends! Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend. Share your weird and wonderful life tidbits back this direction! We’d love to hear them!

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